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Calibration services
Sıkıcı kalibrasyon - iç sayfa.png

There is a need to measure and certificate that the torque values of the electrical and pneumatic nut-screw tightening tools used in the assembly industry for tightening at certain periods are correct. The accuracy and tightening quality of the assembly operations depend on these measurements to be made in certain periods. Only in this way manufacturers can guarantee their production quality and prevent costly quality problems and product recalls.

Calibration; The torque accuracy is the process of taking the difference between the measurement results given by the tool measured and the measurement results given by the measurement device accepted as reference into the values accepted according to TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 quality standards.

The Cm value, which is expressed as the ability of the electric and air nut-screw tightening tool to tighten to the same torque value when tightening to the target torque value, is independent from the calibration process and is mostly related to periodic maintenance of the tool. The Cm value of a periodically maintained tool will be higher than the minimum accepted value of 1.67 according to the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 quality standards, and the Cmk value will likewise be raised above 1.67 with the calibration to be performed.


The product types provided with torque verification reports, factory calibration services and TURKAK accredited calibration services are as follows.


Electrical and pneumatic nut-screw tightening tools

Digital and mechanically adjustable torque meters

Dynamic torque measuring transducers and measuring indicator device

Static torque measuring transducers and measuring indicator device


The brands and products we provide calibration services are as follows.

Atlas Copco bakım, Atlas copco tamir, Atlas Copco Sıkıcı, Atlas Copco sıkıcı bakımı, Atlas copco sıkıcı tamiri, Atlas Copco kablo tamiri, Desoutter sıkıcı bakımı, Desoutter sıkıcı tamiri, Rexroth sıkıcı bakımı, Rexroth sıkıcı tamiri, Atlas Copco sıkıcı kalibrasyonu, Desoutter sıkıcı kalibrasyonu, Sıkıcı kalibrasyonu, Akredite kalibrasyon, Sıkıcı tamir hizmetleri, Türkak onaylı akredite kalibrasyon, Tork kalibrasyonu, Açı kalibrasyonu, Sıkıcı seti, ikinci el sıkıcı, kullanılmış sıkıcı, Atlas Copco sıkıcı bakımları, Atlas Copco sıkıcı kalibrasyonları, Vida besleme sistemleri, Sıkıcı yedek parçaları, ISO 5393, akredite kalibrasyon, Atlas Copco DS, Atlas Copco havalı sıkıcılar, Atlas Copco tamir, Kolver, Kolver sıkıcılar, Ingersoll Rand, Chicago Pneumatic, Tork, Torklama, Vidalayıcı, Vidalayıcılar, havalı sıkıcı, havalı sıkıcılar, elektrikli sıkıcı kablosu, Kablo tamiri, tork kalibrasyonu


Atlas Copco electrical tools

  • Transducerized tools (ST, STR, SR, ES, SL)

  • Transducerized fixturized tools (QST, QMX)

  • Current controlled tools (DS, DL)

  • Transducerized battery tools (STB, SRB,SB, TBP)

  • Clutch controlled battery tools (BCV, BCP)

Atlas Copco pneumatic tools

  • Pneumatic tools (Ergo pulse, LUM, LTV, LMS, LTP, RTP)


CP-Desoutter electrical tools

  • Transducerized tools (ERAL, ERDL, EAB, ERP, EID, ERS, ELRT)

  • Transducerized fixturized tools (EM, EME, EMEL, EFDE, EFDA)

  • Current controlled tools (ECS, ECSF, ECA, ECD, MC)

  • Transducerized battery tools (B-FLEX, EPBC, EABC)

  • Clutch controlled battery tools (ELB, ELS, ELC)

CP-Desoutter pneumatic tools

  • Pneumatic tools (PT pulse, SB, SC, SD)

Rexroth bakım.png

Bosch Rexroth electrical tools

  • Transducerized tools (ESA, ESV, ESM)

  • Transducerized fixturized tools

  • Current controlled tools (CC-ESA, CC-ESV, CC-ESM)

  • Transducerized battery tools (NEXO)

  • Clutch controlled battery tools (EXACT)

Bosch pneumatic tools

  • Pneumatic tools

Atlas Copco bakım, Atlas copco tamir, Atlas Copco sıkıcı, Atlas Copco sıkıcı bakımı, Atlas copco sıkıcı tamiri, Atlas Copco kablo tamiri, Desoutter sıkıcı bakımı, Desoutter sıkıcı tamiri, Rexroth sıkıcı bakımı, Rexroth sıkıcı tamiri, Atlas Copco sıkıcı kalibrasyonu, Desoutter sıkıcı kalibrasyonu, Sıkıcı kalibrasyonu, Akredite kalibrasyon, Sıkıcı tamir hizmetleri, Türkak onaylı akredite kalibrasyon, Tork kalibrasyonu, Açı kalibrasyonu, Sıkıcı seti, ikinci el sıkıcı, kullanılmış sıkıcı, Atlas Copco sıkıcı bakımları, Atlas Copco sıkıcı kalibrasyonları, Vida besleme sistemleri, Sıkıcı yedek parçaları, ISO 5393, akredite kalibrasyon, Atlas Copco DS, Atlas Copco havalı sıkıcılar, Atlas Copco tamir, Kolver, Kolver sıkıcılar, Ingersoll Rand, Chicago Pneumatic, Tork, Torklama, Vidalayıcı, Vidalayıcılar, havalı sıkıcı, havalı sıkıcılar, elektrikli sıkıcı kablosu, Kablo tamiri, tork kalibrasyonu, Atlas Copco 2. el, Atlas Copco ikinci el, Atlas Copco kullanılmış, Desoutter 2. el, Desoutter ikinci el, Desoutter kullanılmış, Atlas Copco, Desoutter, Rexroth elektrikli sıkıcı, Cleco elektrikli sıkıcı, Stanley elektrikli sıkıcı, Kolver Türkiye, Kolver elektrikli sıkıcılar, Hidrolik sıkıcı, Vida besleme sistemleri, havalı el aletleri, Atlas Copco kontrol ünitesi tamiri, Atlas Copco kablo tamiri, Desoutter CVIC, Desoutter CVI, tork ölçüm, tork ölçüm sistemleri, tork ölçüm cihazı, tork transducer

Alphabe Endüstriyel Ürünler San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Address: Üçevler Mh. Ahıska Cd. Genç Şenocak

İş Merkezi No:83 A blok Kat:2 No:36

Nilüfer / Bursa / Turkey

Tel: +90 224 441 09 01

Fax: +90 224 441 09 02

Mobile: +90 552 331 09 01

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